
From the Port Authority building to the Palace of Justice, straight through the city, atmospheric, fast, and flat as a billiard table. This is the course of the 2024 Antwerp Marathon! We have gone for a 100% city course. 42.195 km of atmosphere and entertainment, making it ideal for your supporters too. No lack of Antwerp highlights with a course featuring the Central Station, Boerentoren and MAS. You can also look forward to the one-off and unique passage along Kastelweg, which will give you a taste of the impressive Antwerp Harbour. The brand new 10 km course focuses on the Eilandje and the surrounding port area.

Antwerp Marathon

Antwerp Half Marathon

Antwerp 10K

*Please note that each sports watch/programme reads the GPX differently. What’s more, the mapped-out digital course does not 100% follow the ideal running line. The displayed distance may therefore differ slightly from the official (measured) distance. But don’t despair, both the half and full marathon courses have been officially measured and are therefore completely accurate in reality!


Marathon: + 88m

Source: Strava

Half Marathon: + 44m

Source: Strava